I feel compelled to speak on
this question, because I was not always Lutheran. I
myself came to the Lutheran Church as a young adult.
Why do I believe the Lutheran faith and the Lutheran
Church Missouri Synod is the place to be? Because here
you will hear about the love that God has for you. You
won't be given an impossible list of things to
accomplish to measure up to God. You will hear how God
gave His Son that you might have forgiveness and new and
eternal life.
The Lutheran church is the church of
the Reformation. Martin Luther was the first voice in a
long time proclaiming to a Christianity lost in myth and
philosophy that God loves all people and has moved to
save them through the life, death, and resurrection of
Jesus Christ. The Lutheran Church was the first voice
to once again, as did the apostolic church, to proclaim
that we are saved by grace alone, through faith alone,
because of what Jesus did for us, as the Scripture alone
declares to us. Why be Lutheran? Because Lutherans
believe, teach, and confess what Scripture proclaims:
by grace you have been saved through faith;
and that not of yourselves, it is
the gift of God;
not as a result of works, so that
no one may boast.
NAU Ephesians 2:8-9
The Lutheran Church -- Missouri Synod is a church body
that believes in proclaiming the full truth that is
revealed to us through the pages of the Holy
Scriptures. Our church body holds in the highest esteem
God's Word. It depends upon God's Word alone for faith
and practice. And it encourages all people to make use
of God's Word for it is able to make one wise unto
Lutheran Church Missouri Synod believes that without
Jesus there is no way into heaven. The LCMS is
committed to reaching out to the world with the goodnews
of Jesus Christ so that all people may receive in full
all the wonderful gifts that God desires to give
including forgiveness, new life, communion with God, and
fellowship with God's people.
Lutheran Church Missouri Synod believes God has given us
one to the other to love and care for one another. The
members of the various congregations of the LCMS are
committed to loving and caring for each other. We
confess that every congregation is a family of God
gathered around His Word and Sacraments in a given
place. When one has God as his father, he also has many
brothers and sisters in Christ.
only is it a high priority for us to be reaching out
with the goodnews of Jesus Christ to all the world, but
is a of utmost importance for us to be sure we are
proclaiming the truth to people. Jesus said, "If you
hold to my teachings you will know the truth, and the
truth will set you free."{John 8:31-32} Therefore we
endeavour to remain faithful to God's Word in our
understanding and proclamation. Jesus Himself said He
is the way the truth and the life and that no one can
come to the Father except by Him. We want to declare
God's Word to the world in truth and purity so that the
faith we live may be based on the reality of God and His
true blessings and no on illusion and vain hopes.
In the LCMS you will find that you not only have a
family in your particular congregation, but that our
church body as a whole strives to work together for the
common mission of Jesus Christ.
Even when we disagree with one another, we meet and
discuss our disagreements over Scripture so that we may
come into harmony and walk together.
Why Be Lutheran?
Because in the LCMS you will hear the
truth of God's riches given us through Jesus Christ. It
will not be watered down. God's greatest treasures given
through His Word and His Sacraments are here bestowed as
God has commanded. It is indeed a great blessing to be
in the Lutheran Church -- Missouri Synod.
here for more information on the Lutheran Church
Missouri Synod

David D. Reedy, 2005 |