said, "If you abide in my word, you are
truly my disciples, and you will know the
truth, and the truth will set you free."
(John 8:31-32)
It is
in gratitude to those men who opened the
pages of Scripture to me so that I might
understand the full truth of the Gospel and
its implications that I present this summary
of the confession of the Christian faith.
This confession is an introduction to the
Christian faith as we find confessed in the
Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod. I
unhesitatingly offer that this confession is in
complete harmony with His Word, which alone
is able to make us wise unto salvation.
While many contributed to the growth and
formation of my faith through the sharing of
God’s Word, these men stand out in my mind
as those who had the most impact upon me and
hence I give them my thanks: Rev. Jack McWhirter, who introduced me to this faith;
Professors Louis Brighton and Charles Arand,
who probably without knowing it turned me
from a path into liberal apostate
Christianity back to the truth of Scripture;
Rev. David Dissen and Rev. Steven
MacDougall, who taught me the value of
faithful practice in the office of the
ministry. May God always bless His church
with those eager and equipped to proclaim
the truth of His Word.
Rev. David D. Reedy,
Psalm 119:33
May 25, in the year of our
Lord 1999