Lutherans are Christians and they are found throughout
the world! They represent the world's third largest
block of Christians and are the oldest Protestants.
There are nearly 70 million Lutherans living on every
continent, speaking hundreds of languages. In the USA
alone there are more than 12 million Lutheran
In 1517 a Catholic monk named Martin Luther posted a
list of 95 thesis to protest various theological and
practical abuses that existed in the church. (The
background to this page is of this event.) This lead to
a firestorm of theological discussion. Soon Luther and
his followers would be excommunicated from the Roman
Catholic church. The Roman Catholic Church and the
Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire tried to prevent the
spread of Luther's ideas, but to no avail. God's Word,
and especially the Gospel, was being preached again and
put into the hands of the common people, and nothing
could stop this "reformation".
Martin Luther was the first voice in a long time, and
the first to do so in a way that made a difference: to
proclaim the Bible's teaching that people are saved not
through their own works but through the forgiveness of
their sins because of Christ's death on the cross.
Luther's message could be summed up this way: we are
saved by grace alone, through faith alone, because
Christ died for us on the cross, which is declared
through the Scriptures alone.
Luther was the first voice of the Protestant
Reformation. Since his time, the clear proclamation of
Christ's Gospel to the world has not been silenced.
The Roman Catholic church commanded Luther to retract
his words, but instead Luther became a public voice
calling for reform, saying and writing that the church
should return to the Scripture and not be governed by
human philsophies and human traditions. Luther was
threatened with excommunication. In an act of defiance
he burned the bull (a official document) symbolizing his
break with the Roman Catholic tradition. Hence forth he
would stand on Scripture alone.
The Holy Roman Emperor hoped to stop the revolt, and
summoned Luther to a Diet (official gathering) at Worms
in Germany in 1521. Once again Luther was ordered to
recant. His response: here I stand. I can do nothing
else. Following the Diet Luther went into hiding as his
life was in danger. During this time he began
translating the Bible into the common language. Luther
also continued to write and his writing were published
widely. These publications were very influential in
leading people to Gospel and away from the errors of the
Roman church.
Luther came out of hiding and returned to Wittenburg
when some misguided leaders sought to bring reform by
force in that town. These were not the only ones who
sought to bring reform by force. 1524 saw the peasants
revolt seeking to force reforms. Luther wrote against
these revolts reminding all what the Scripture says
about respecting government.
In 1526 the Catholics and the Lutherans met at Speyer
coming to an agreement that if a regions prince was of a
certain faith, that faith would be the one officially
endorsed in the region.
1530 was a key year. The Emperor of the Holy Roman
Empire, Charles V, once again called all parties
together. Phillip Melangthon, a follower of Luther,
composed a document called the Augsburg Confession to
present the Lutheran confession of faith to the court.
The Catholics responded with the "Confutation" to which
Melangthon wrote "The Apology to the Augsburg
Confession". (apology is from the latin word apologia
meaning defense).
Eventually the Roman Catholics under the
leadership of the emperor brought war against the
Lutherans and other protestant churches. Though many
were killed and much suffering caused, he could not
triumph. In 1555 ws created what has been called "The
Peace of Augsburg". This allowed those states that
comprised the Roman Empire, to choose between
Catholicism and Lutheranism. Hence Lutheranism became a
"legal" religion of the empire.
Lutherans thorughout the world are descendents of this
great movement: to depend on Scripture alone for our
understandings relating to God, to trust in Jesus alone
for our salvation, to trust in grace alone for Scripture
declares no one shall be saved by works (Romans 3). In
the Lutheran faith the ancient battle cry and confession
still rings out: Scripture alone! Faith alone! Grace
alone! Christ alone! In America many take for granted
the ability to have the Bible in one's own language and
the right to interpret it for oneself. In America, many
believe the Bible is the only source for what we know
about God. In America many people have come to trust
that we get to heaven through the grace of God in Christ
Jesus. Lutherans were the first to rediscover these
great truths. Lutherans were the first to proclaim
these great truths to the world. Lutherans were the
first to call for a return to the Bible and to Jesus, a
call for Reformation. And Lutherans continue to stand
on these truths and to call for return to the Scriptures
and to the Lord whom they proclaim.
Lutherans are found throughout the world. How did they
get to the US? Many came as immigrants. Some came as
missionaries. And a small band of Saxons, some 750,
fled Germany in 1839 seeking religious freedom, as the
leader of Germany sought to force the Lutherans and the
Reformed into once church body. These 750 Saxons would
become the seeds of the 2.6 million member Missouri
